Top 5 Social Distancing Trends for Small Businesses in 2020

IMPORTANT: We advocate full compliance with Governor John Bel Edwards’s stay at home order, which can be found HERE. We will not be held liable for any violations of these orders or those issued by your local government.


Trying to stay afloat during the social distancing epidemic? You’re not alone. Every (and we mean EVERY) business has had to adjust to the regulations governments have issued in an effort to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Small businesses are adapting a range of strategies designed at keeping their services running, and in this article, we’ve laid out the most popular trends you need to know about. If you’re searching for new ideas to try out while most of America is stuck at home, these will give you inspiration. Here are the top 5 social distancing trends for small businesses in 2020!

“…video anything is your best friend right now.”

Social Distancing Trends in 2020

#1 – Drive-in/Pickup Services

Drive-in and pickup services have always existed; however, businesses which didn’t offer them before Coranavirus are now beginning to do so. This is one of the biggest social distancing trends right now, and most business have already switched to this model entirely. It’s actually worked extremely well for some niche industries, giving them a boost in sales. For example, in parts of the US, drive-in movie theaters have seen an increase in popularity. It’s allowed movie fans to still watch movies on the big screen while taking social distancing into account. Adapting your services in a way that allows for pickup and delivery is the best way to keep your business running while also complying with current safety guidelines. Even if you’re required to stay-at-home completely for the time being, these are services to consider offering regularly once regulations are rolled back.

#2 – Video Streaming

Video is the most powerful form of media right now, and if businesses haven’t found a way to produce video content that markets their brand, they’re missing out. Nearly all businesses need to consider how they can offer their services digitally in a reality that is slowly becoming more and more virtual, and in the many cases, this means using video streaming content. Churches were easily able to switch their services to streaming-only, showing that it’s possible to still have an online presence when you’re forced to close your doors. Businesses should consider how they can offer online classes or services that will help them stay relevant in the digital realm. Even if video streaming isn’t the solution for your particular business, video anything is your best friend right now.

#3 – Contests

The reality is that sales may not be the answer for every business right now. Some businesses can still stand strong by engaging their customers with contests or other fun online activities. A simple drawing, design, or painting contest could give your customers something to do while they’re following social distancing trends, with the added benefit that it all revolves around your brand. You could even create a photo or workout challenge that encourages others to share and discuss your business across social media. If you can capitalize on people’s boredom and give them something to do, your customers will come back strong once the Coronavirus climate is all over.

#4 – Giveaways / Sweepstakes

If you’ve never held a giveaway before, this is the time. Everyone is going to be doing them soon, as it’s one of the easiest ways to market your brand, build an audience, and increase sales. Done correctly, you can achieve all three at the same time. Some businesses around the country have raffled off high-value items online or given away free products in return for likes and shares on social media. These marketing tactics have been proven to temporarily increase sales, which may be exactly what you need during this temporary situation. At the bare minimum, you can create excitement around your business that makes customers eager for your brick-and-mortar return.

#5 – Collaboration

This is a critical time for businesses, and sometimes, business adjustments are best made from the inside out. Some employers have decided to focus on improving relationships within their companies by adapting new communication technologies such as Zoom and Slack. These platforms allow businesses video and text chat options which are perfect for company meetings and workshops. There’s no reason why you can’t still be productive even with the governor’s orders to close your business’s doors. If you’re staying at home, you can still meet with your employees virtually and plan how you will move forward with operations.

Final Words

It’s not too late to jump on the bandwagon and try these social distancing trends if you haven’t already. Most businesses are giving them a go and seeing what lands with their audiences as they anticipate what new government mandates will be issued each week. Get creative, and see how you can adapt as we all try to overcome a common unexpected plot twist! PeachTown is always looking out for your best interest and wishes you the best as you find new ways to carry on business in the digital world. Good luck, and may you find future success!

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