pappy claus reading

Louisiana’s Pappy Claus Interview 2020: The Magic of Christmas

‘The persona of Santa is able to bring joy, even if just a little,’ says Tom Faber, aka Pappy Claus. He’s been working hard to bring good tidings of great joy to the people of Louisiana, and we had the opportunity to sit down with him for an interview.

Our meeting at Champs Sports Bar & Restaurant of Ruston, LA, was a jolly experience–to say the least. Below is everything we learned about Pappy and the magic of Christmas.

Origin of Pappy Claus

PEACHTOWN: Are you open to sharing your identity?

PAPPY: Sure, Kris Kringle…

I am Tom Faber.

PEACHTOWN: Where are you from?

PAPPY: Originally from south central Kansas, but I’ve been here since ’87. Other than a brief hiatus, we moved away for a little while but came back.

PEACHTOWN: Why’d you move away?

PAPPY: That’s a good question. We just thought suddenly we needed to move away, but it turns out we didn’t. We needed to be here.

PEACHTOWN: So, your name is ‘Pappy Claus.’ Is Pappy Claus the same as Santa Claus?

PAPPY: I am an ambassador of the North Pole.

PEACHTOWN: Where did the name come from?

PAPPY: It started with my grandchildren calling me ‘Pappy,’ and it carried over. A lot of people call me ‘Pappy’ now, so when I decided to get out in the public as Santa Claus…well…

Most professional Santa Claus portrayers would use their first name. So for me, it would be either ‘Santa Tom’ or ‘Tom Clause,’ but I decided to use ‘Pappy.’

PEACHTOWN: ‘Pappy’…I like it! It’s catchy! So, why Santa Claus in the first place?

PAPPY: I’ve always been fascinated with the old fella.’ Several years ago, I was asked to be Santa Claus for a preschool–I guess because I have a white beard and jolly physique. So I bought a suit, did that, and really liked it. It just escalated from there.

PEACHTOWN: What did you like about it?

PAPPY: I love kids. My wife and I have worked in children’s ministry for years. She still does, and technically I still do as Santa Claus. It’s just fun to see the magic in the kids. Even now, some of them recognize me when I’m out of costume, and they say, ‘there he is.’

PEACHTOWN: How long have you been portraying Santa Claus?

PAPPY: This is my 4th year.

PEACHTOWN: Is this your first public appearance? You mentioned you’ve worked with schools and other organizations in the past. Are you doing something bigger this year?

PAPPY: I am getting a little more exposure. Covid’s got everything a little messed up, including Santa Claus, but last year, I was the Ruston Santa Claus. I did the holiday kickoff with the mayor. I made an appearance at Beehive Outlet and will be there again this year. I’m actually doing an event up here at Champs.

PEACHTOWN: Did you start your Instagram this year?

PAPPY: I had it last year but wasn’t as active as this year. Last year, I was working full time, and this year…I’m not. I had some health issues back in the summer–open heart surgery in July–and was really questioning whether I was going to be able to do this or not. I love it, so it worked out.

Christmas philosophy

PEACHTOWN: What can the public expect from Pappy Claus?

PAPPY: If they want a private home visit, I try to tailor that to whatever they want. I’ve done everything from letting a child catch me through the window watching them…it may sound kind of creepy, but to a 4 or 5 year old, seeing Santa Claus watching you is pretty exciting.

I’ve also gone in to meet with kids the night before Christmas. One of my favorites is reading the story of the birth of Christ in Luke chapter 2. Essentially, that’s what Christmas is all about. I’m just a fun aspect of that.

I’ve got a booking this week where I’ll show up at the house with a bag of presents the parents provided. Everyone will have a gift, and as far as they know, they’re from Santa Claus.

PEACHTOWN: What does ‘Christmas spirit’ mean to you?

PAPPY: For me personally, it’s about Jesus and the birth of our Savior. I use the term ‘magic’ a lot, because that’s what I see in the kids’ eyes–especially the doubters. I have a bit of a knack for inspiring belief when they reach a certain age. Christmas spirit is enjoying the season. This year has been unusual for a lot of people. There has been little joy and a lot of loss. The persona of Santa Claus–not me, necessarily–is able to bring joy, even if just a little.

Last year, I was hired by an aunt in Texas whose sister had suddenly passed away. She left behind 2 small children and a husband, and I was hired to do a home visit with them. The feedback I got afterwards was special, because for that brief moment, they experienced a little bit of joy.

PEACHTOWN: What kind of feedback did you get?

PAPPY: That it was magical. The husband wasn’t so sure about Christmas…being the first one without his wife. The aunt said Santa Claus was able to put everyone at ease, and for a short time, they felt the love of the season.

PEACHTOWN: Do you have a favorite Christmas movie?

PAPPY: My favorite is A Christmas Story. I see myself as Ralphie in a lot of ways.

PEACHTOWN: Did you have a bb gun?

PAPPY: I did! And I’ve still got both of my eyes!

But another is A Christmas Carol–the 1984 George C. Scott version. I like A Muppet Christmas Carol as well. I just love that story of redemption.

PEACHTOWN: Do you have any personal Santa Claus stories you’d like to share?

PAPPY: The year I ‘found out.’ In 4th grade, I was at a church Christmas party, and I knew the big guy was going to be there. I was looking forward to it.

I had to go to the restroom and walked in on one of our deacons while he was putting on the outfit and the beard. I was…

PEACHTOWN: Heartbroken?

PAPPY: Yes, heartbroken. They explained to me that, at that time of the year, Santa Claus couldn’t be everywhere at once. That’s why he has helpers, or as I call them now–ambassadors.

PEACHTOWN: What do you recommend for parents with children who begin to question their beliefs in Santa?

PAPPY: That’s up to each individual parent. For my wife and I, the first time one of our kids would ask, we would tell them, ‘you don’t have to ruin this for anyone else, but now you’re old enough to know the secret.’

PEACHTOWN: Do you have any elves? Is there a Mrs. Claus?

PAPPY: There is a Mrs. Claus! She’s busier than I am right now, but she accompanies me on occasion. I also have an elf that nobody sees. He helps me out with videos and social media. I’m hoping to create more of a presence with him next year. His name is Bebeaux Jangles.

PEACHTOWN: Final question. Do you have a message you’d like to send out to the children and parents of Louisiana?

PAPPY: A favorite quote that I’ll paraphrase–what’s the point of being grown up if you can’t be childish every once in a while?

The future of Pappy

Upcoming public appearances

  • Saturday, December 5 – Beehive Outlet in Ruston, LA (1PM -3PM)
  • Saturday, December 12 – “Cookies with Santa” @ Esma’s Alley in Ruston, LA (10AM – 12PM)
  • Sunday, December 13 – “Brunch with Santa” @ Red River Brewpub in Shreveport, LA (11AM – 2PM)
  • Monday, December 14 – “Dinner Party with Santa” @ Champs Sports Bar & Restaurant in Ruston, LA (6PM – 8PM)
  • Saturday, December 19 – Beehive Outlet in Ruston, LA (1PM – 3PM)

Public safety

Pappy Claus is being screened for Covid 3 times each week as a safety precaution. He’s also complying with social distancing measures (as required by the state/venues) and is open to virtual visits through Zoom as well as video greetings through YouTube.

How to book Pappy Claus

You can get in touch with Pappy to ask about availabilities for events/private meetings by contacting him though social media or his website at the following links:

Final Words

We hope everyone enjoys the holiday season and finds the magic Pappy Claus described in our interview. It’s been a tough year for many, but let’s end it on a good note. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a happy end to 2020. We’ll see you around!

– PeachTown

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