Louisiana LARPing & How to Get Started

Need a break from reality? Don’t we all! Life gets tough, but we can fight back with the right kind of attitude. We can win the battle that rages within ourselves by Live-Action-Role-Playing!

People are curious about LARPing in Louisiana but don’t know how to get started, so we’re here to brief you on the basics and help you live out your fantasies. Get ready to become the star of your own fictional realm. Here’s everything you need to know about LARPing in Louisiana!

“Become who you want.”

Louisiana LARPing Basics

What is it?

Imagine fighting battles as a warrior. Or masquerading as a cyberpunk princess among friends and family. In many ways, you can become who you want, and that’s the essence of LARPing.

LARPing, which stands for Live-Action-Role-Playing, takes place all across the United States, with 100’s of groups listed on LARPing.org. It consists of games or club events where people establish lore and write fictional scenarios to act around.

Combat battles are a classic example, with foam swords and bags of bird seed used as weapons to wound and cast spells on enemies. It can be lighthearted, dramatic, or adventurous depending on the specific LARPing community you’re a part of.

Why do people do it?

The reasons for LARPing are numerous, but here are a few of the most important:

  • Costume design – Players usually make their own LARPing outfits. In many cases, they’re extremely authentic and display expert craftsmanship. If you like crafting, creating your own costume is a fun challenge that lets you show off your designs and creations in live action.
  • Community – LARPing is just like any other community, and you can potentially meet a lot of new people once you join. You’ll make friends and potential partners with people who are just like you.
  • Gaming – If you love fantasy, roleplaying board games, or massively multiplayer online role-playing games, LARPing lets you experience these elements in a new way. The physicality of the experience beats sitting at a computer and playing World of Warcraft for hours.
  • Storytelling – Storytelling is a lost art that LARPing is founded on. The organizer, or Game Master (GM), gets to narrate and coordinate the events with an overarching story. If you like telling stories, you’ll love being a GM.

How do I join?

Most groups for LARPing in Louisiana have registration pages on their websites, and some have private groups on Facebook. While some LARPs are communities that operate freely, others are events you can sign up for.

Becoming a member/signing up and getting started is not difficult, and veteran members are very helpful. LARPing communities are sometimes small, so new faces are inspiring and provide hope for the longevity of roleplaying games.

man with wand larp

Louisiana Live-Action Roleplaying Groups


LarpWorks is a large community with 3 different games for you to play. Depending on your interests, you can choose to be a part of medieval times, an epic fantasy, or a sci-fi thriller. They post written gameplay recaps in the form of episodes to create chapters and volumes for fans and participants. It’s a kind of active storytelling that gives you a chance to play out the narratives as your own character with your own storyline. With a vibrant community, this is one of the first places you should check out if you’re thinking about LARPing in Louisiana. You can learn more about LarpWorks by clicking here.

Echoes of Athus

Echoes of Athus, based in St. Tammany Parish, is a fantasy group that gathers in various campgrounds around LA. They have a website full of fun resources for members to explore. Upon arrival, epic lore scrolls down the homepage, and you get a taste of what they’re all about. A lot of work has been put into their history and mythology, as they have a class structure, wiki page, and all sorts of supplementary info that could take hours to sort through. With excellent world-building, you can really get wrapped up in creating your own layered background story. Register and start LARPing in Louisiana with Echoes of Athus by clicking here.

Armistice Arcane

Based on the Penny dreadful story pamphlets of the 1800’s, Armistice Arcane sets you up in a weekend stay at the Le Pavilion Hotel of New Orleans. The group’s YouTube video promo showcases their Victorian-era theme and gives you a taste of what you’re in for. Orchestra music plays as actors dance up and down eery corridors. Ready to dress fancy? Join a secret society? They offer a deluxe package that introduces you to the culture of LARPing in Louisiana. Check out Armistice Arcane by clicking here.

elf cosplay

Final Words

LARPing in Louisiana could be the escape you’re looking for! At the very least, it’s an opportunity to meet new people and learn about a new subculture. Trying new things is one of the best ways to stay active and keep life exciting at all times. Check out these communities and see what roles you may be ready to take on. The possibilities are endless – you could rule your own kingdom one day!

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