tiny city downtown

Is Small Town Living for You? Weighing the Pros & Cons

Sidewalks of Downtown Ruston, LA

Trying to decide if small town living is right for you? You’ve come to the right place! While visiting tiny communities can be a charming experience, living in one is a different story! For this reason, it’s important you carefully weigh the pros and cons of living in a small town before you make the final decision to do so.

In this article, we’re going to break down the positives and negatives of small town living. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of what living in one is like and whether or not it’s right for you. Ready to find out? Let’s start by looking at the positives!

“It’s just right down the road.”

The Positives

Less driving, more living

When you ask for directions in a small town, you’ll often hear, “it’s just right down the road!” Places and events are usually easy to find and get to, and you’ll rarely get stuck in traffic on your way there.

It can feel as if everything is within arms’ reach, and it’s true to a certain degree. You spend less time driving and more time doing what’s most important to you when you’re small town living.

Live spontaneously

A huge disadvantage of living in large cities is having to make plans any time you want to go anywhere. Even making a trip to the grocery store can feel like a massive effort, requiring you to map out your time.

Not when you’re small town living!

With most places in close proximity, you can live spontaneously and free. If something exciting comes up on a whim, it’s easy to get up and go without thinking twice about it.

Rise to fame

Wanna to be a somebody? One of the best perks of small town living is the chance to easily get your name out there. You can start your small business or publish your artwork with a high likelihood people will take notice.

In large cities, you’ll make ripples, but in small cities, you’ll make waves. With little competition, you’ll become a personality people instantly recognize.

Dandelions of Robert’s Park in Ruston, LA

The Negatives

You’re everyone’s business

“It’s none of your business!” is a phrase with very little meaning when you’re small town living – your business becomes everyone’s. Whether you like it or not, word spreads fast in tiny communities. If you make a mistake, be prepared to answer for it.

You may feel like you have to walk on eggshells to avoid becoming the talk of the town, because in the same way your successes can lead to fame, your failures can lead to infamy.

Fewer opportunities

Small town living can mean small town opportunities. Job variety is often limited, so many people settle on a job rather than pursuing their dreams. Thinking about planting your tech startup? Becoming a career musician?

Think again!

Those dreams are extremely difficult (if not impossible) to realize in a small town. You’d have to position yourself in a large city to find the best chance of success.

Life is a bubble

Small cities are, by nature, less diverse. If you having a craving for Korean or Indian food, you’ll get it easier and faster through Amazon Prime. You’re confined to a few niches in certain areas, and that’s just how it is.

Fun tip: learn to like Mexican food, and you’ll survive almost anywhere in Louisiana.

In addition, viewpoints can be somewhat narrow when you’re small town living. Your views and opinions, regardless of how spectacular they are, may not be popular or accepted.

Some hometowners stick to a bubble of local tradition and mentality. If you’re not careful, you can end up trapped in that same bubble.

ruston la fountain
“City in Tears” – Railroad Park of Ruston, LA

Final Words

Some love getting lost in the metropolis of big cities while others enjoy making a small town their own. Small town living has advantages and disadvantages you should know before making your move, and hopefully now, you have a better understanding of what to expect.

Weigh the pros and cons carefully and follow your instincts. Only you know what’s best for you. Whatever you decide, best of luck!

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