Hurricane Laura Destroys PeachTown

Update: The downtown community clean up, originally scheduled for Saturday, August 29th, has been cancelled. The 7PM-7AM curfew is in effect again on Friday. (8/28/20)

Ruston, LA faces challenges as Tropical Storm Laura runs rampant throughout Louisiana and the surrounding states. In April 2019, monstrous tornadoes ripped through the city and destroyed notable locations such as J.C. Love Field, Office Depot, and Parish Press. Today, the hurricane burrowed through and left its fair share of damages throughout much of PeachTown.

The general consensus is most people are without power and/or internet at the moment. In a video posted to Facebook, Mayor Ronny Walker issued a curfew lasting from 7PM to 7AM tomorrow morning. With less traffic at night, restoring power and normalcy to the city will be much safer and quicker for road crews.

Here are a few post-storm photos:

After tornadoes left extensive damages last year, community members united with the hashtag #RustonStrong and volunteered to clear limbs and other fallen debris in their neighborhoods. The city has a downtown clean up planned for Saturday, so we’re likely to see something similar this year.

Ruston citizens come together and show resilience during times like these, giving us hope we’ll make a swift recovery. We’ll continue to report as things unfold over the next few days.

2 thoughts on “Hurricane Laura Destroys PeachTown”

  1. Thank you for posting and for your blog! I am trying to follow news about Ruston to share with my parents who are living there but without power and internet right now.

    1. No problem! We got our electricity back less than an hour ago, so progress is being made. Hopefully everyone will have power back by tomorrow. Fingers crossed…thank you for visiting!

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