
NCLAC Exposes the Secrets of Ruston’s Art Underground

Even amidst strife, artists in Ruston, LA have found ways to remain united. We had the opportunity to sit in on a Zoom artist meet-up hosted by North Central Louisiana Arts Council (NCLAC) on Tuesday evening, and it was a blast. Once again, NCLAC doesn’t disappoint!

Local artists, photographers, and writers shared their latest projects and discussed ways they’ve managed to keep creating during the crisis. We also discussed ways for artists and fans of the arts to stay connected.

If you haven’t already, check out the Ruston Arts, Culture & Entertainment Facebook page, as this is where local art organizations such as NCLAC and Ruston Artisans (RA) share important art-related information. It’s a great place to discover local artists, events, and community members who support art! Join this join group and follow both NCLAC and RA if you want to connect with the community of artists in Ruston, Louisiana.

Engaging in art of any kind is therapy for your mind and body, and we believe it deserve a place in everyone’s life. Don’t be afraid if you aren’t confident in your own artistic ability–every artist has to start somewhere. We encourage you to participate in local events and meet others who have interesting stories to tell as a lifestyle change that will lead to a happier and healthier life!

Follow us on Facebook for additional coverage of artists and other community members who’re making waves in Ruston, Louisiana and the surrounding areas. As life picks back up downtown, we’re going to continue providing you the best in blogging and digital magazine content. Until next time!

“Art is my cure to all this madness, sadness and loss of belonging in the world & through it I’ll walk myself home.”

– Nikki Rowe

Watch this video to learn more about NCLAC

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