Resistance bands are the most cheaper training tool you can have. Whether you’re a learner or an advanced-level fitness trainee, resistance bands are the best.
You can use resistance bands for exercise to target any part of the body without pulling pressure on any body part especially, joints. Resistance band training can be helpful for those small muscles that act as a stabilizer in the body.
Building a muscular and healthy body takes time but, regular strength training is a solution.
Resistance band promotes everything from weight loss to bone density because strength doesn’t always mean pushing or lifting heavyweights.
The advantage of training your body with a resistance band is that you can use bands at home and, there’s no need to go to the gym. Whether you’re don’t feel like going outside or due to weather conditions, these bands will not let you miss your workout.
These bands will help you to work out from warmup to cool down.
Research shows that adding a resistant band to your daily workout session can help you gain enough strength and power than weight training alone.
With a resistance band, you can perform a variety of exercises and enjoying a challenge.
A resistance band is perfect for a workout because, with these bands, you can travel anywhere, as they do not a lot of space. So, this makes it more easily while on vacations or a business trip you don’t have to miss the workout at the gym because you have resistance bands.
The pandemic has seriously affected our lives so. Gyms are closed; it’s high time that we start training ourselves with a resistance band.
There are two types of resistance bands. These bands differ in color, shape, size, and level of resistivity they provide.
- Looped bands
- Non-looped bands
Exercise and sweat are directly proportional to each other. So, keep in mind to use a towel to clean yourself. Towelogy has premium quality towels and, these are microfiber and superabsorbents.
Resistance Bands and Exercises
Squats to press
This dynamic move works for your legs, shoulder, and back. It requires an immense range of motion.
Loop a handle in each hand, and step on to a resistance band with your feet at shoulder-width apart, toes pointed out. Keep your hands at shoulder height, bring the handles up to your shoulder, making sure the band lies at the back of your arm, and squat down until your upper legs are side by side to the ground. Then stand up and put your hand over your head. Do ten reps.

Triceps Extension
These simple moves target your triceps muscles. These bands help you build your triceps strength as they offer tension throughout the whole movement.
With your elbow bend, hold the band in your hand. Keep your elbow pointing upwards and your biceps near your ear. Keep your right arm close to your head. As the right arm strengthens, you feel the stretching of the band and the working of your right upper arm muscle.
Banded push-ups
A good push-up can strengthen and tone up your chest and arm.
Get into the push-up position, curve the band behind your back, grab the band under each hand. Align your body in a straight line, lower yourself towards the ground, elbow close to your body.
Do ten to fifteen reps.
Hip Abduction
Hip abduction is for toning your hips, making them strong and flexible.
Loop the band around your outside ankle. Stand next to the wall and hold on to it for support. Raise your right leg to the edge, align your body in a straight position, don’t bend your trunk. Again, begin from the start.
Do ten reps.
Wall-lateral pulldown
This simple move targets your upper back and lat. It is a great warmup exercise before lifting heavy weights for your upper back strength.
Stand with your back against the wall. Stretch your arm above your head, keeping the resistance band around your thumb or wrist. Elbows to the side, arms down, arched at a 90-degree angle, bring both shoulder blades together.
Do ten reps.
The Pallof Press
The Pallof press is a perfect exercise for strengthening your core. It is a great warmup exercise before lifting heavyweights.