creepy swamps

5 Reasons Swamps Are Creepy

There’s something about Louisiana swamps that is off-putting. People in and out of state have picked up on it but can’t figure out what it is. Why are swamps so creepy?

There are some obvious reasons swamps give off bad vibes, and it’s time to put them out there. If you’ve struggled to put a finger on them, we’ve done the work for you. Let’s take a look…

Creepiness of Louisiana swamps

The unknown

Many people have a fear of the unknown, and that fear is a major reason why swamps are so creepy. These forested wetlands could be home to anything, and you would never see it coming. Supernatural monsters, dangerous animals, dead bodies…The movies portray swamps as a place shrouded in mystery, and you get the feeing that something could pop out at any time. Even the plants grow in such a way that they cast uninviting shadows and warn you of impending doom. Be careful, because the swamps are no man’s land.

DC’s Swamp Thing

If swamps weren’t already creepy enough, DC Comics decided to make a horror comic out of them. Swamp Thing details the journeys of a frightening creature who lives in the swamps of Louisiana and seeks revenge on those responsible for his transformation into a vile swamp ‘thing.’ The anti-hero received his own television series on the now-defunct DC Universe streaming platform and, despite being met with positive reviews, was cancelled after one season. Although the character is sometimes portrayed as a good guy, Swamp Thing stands as a testament to why swamps are creepy.

Bugs everywhere

Swamps are home to bugs, bugs, and more bugs. If you’re allergic to mosquitoes, don’t even think about going. You’ll find bugs you didn’t even know existed in the marshes of Louisiana, and they’ll find you. Swamp cicadas are a common insect people often confuse with locusts, and they buzz around like gigantic flies from a Stephen King novel. The swamps are no place for people who hate bugs, and bugs are another reason why swamps are creepy.

Children of blood

It’s customary for Louisiana kids who kill their first deer to smear blood on their faces in a sort of primitive ritual. Add in a swamps and it’s a recipe for terror. People report seeing children smeared in blood on boat rides in the swamps at night, and that’s a reason to never go back. No wonder swamps are so creepy. If you’ve ever seen Children of the Corn, you’ve learned to stay away from these kinds of things. Hunters in Louisiana are obsessed with how many points are on the antlers of the bucks they slay for sport, so you could even call them – Children of the Horn.

Evil animals

Louisiana swamps are home to animals not even a mother could love. The nutria rat, for example, is the worst nightmare of people who fear rodents. But this herbivorous animals isn’t even the worst you’ll find in the creepy marshes of the Deep South. You’ll find alligators, snakes, and other creatures people go to great lengths to avoid. A boat ride through these watery areas will give you bad juju, and you’ll be wishing you stayed at home.


Swamps are so creepy. If you’re visiting Louisiana and able to read this message, it means you’re still alive. It’s not too late to turn back. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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