disgusting crawfish

5 Reasons Crawfish Are Disgusting

If there’s one thing Louisiana residents aren’t shy about, it’s their love for crawfish. Every year during late spring / early summer, crawfish season takes over, and southerners begin posting photos of their beloved food all over social media. It’s a craze some outsiders believe is actually crazy, because according to them, there are several reasons why crawfish are disgusting.

Crawfish are disgusting? That’s a foreign concept to many in the Deep South, but there may be some truth to these allegations. Before you chow down on mudbugs again, you may want to consider the overwhelming evidence internet-goers have brought to our attention. Let’s take a look…

What are crawfish?

Crawfish (also called crayfish or mudbugs) are miniature freshwater lobsters that live in the muddiest parts of Louisiana. Their seasonality often makes them expensive, but many are willing to pay high prices for what is considered one of the finest delicacies in the south. Aside from Louisiana, they can be found in other parts of the world such as New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa.

Why crawfish are disgusting

cooked crawfish

#5 – You’re eating the swamp

People shun swamp creatures including nutria rats and water moccasins, but for some reason, crawfish get a pass. Some argue this is an egregious crime and anything from the swamp tastes swampy. Louisiana residents may have an acquired taste for such swampiness, but that doesn’t make it okay. A wise man once said “you are what you eat,” and if you eat mudbugs, consider the implications. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to reasons why crawfish are disgusting.

#4 – You’re eating organs

There are globs of what resembles brown and yellow fat that rest on the end of crawfish tails once you remove their shells. According to experts, these are organs that filter out toxics much like the human liver. Some remove them before eating the tails, and some don’t. Therein is where the problem lies – if you don’t remove them, you’re eating organs. This is no fillet mignon, but people are completely okay with it and, in some cases, encourage it. They say it’s full of flavor, but skeptics argue this is false information designed to make you complicit with their savage behavior.

#3 – You’re eating bugs

Americans sometimes scoff at the fact that bugs are a common delicacy in many Asian countries. It’s a bit hypocritical, because crawfish also resemble bugs, and they’re nicknamed ‘mudbugs.’ Shreveport, LA even has a hockey team named Mudbugs in honor of these little creatures. In essence, if you love eating crawfish, you love eating bugs. Of course, crawfish are not actually insects, but many people don’t realize this and are willing to eat them all the same.

#2 – You’re eating poop

Crawfish have veins full of waste that are attached to the pieces of meat people extract and eat. While some remove the veins, others overlook them and scarf them down like it’s no big deal. The only problem is it is a big deal, because it’s poop. This is alarming evidence in support of outsider opinions as to why crawfish are disgusting. If you like to eat poop, no one is going to judge your life choices, but you should know the reality of what you’re putting into your mouth. And here is where everything comes to a head…

#1 – You’re sucking heads

This is the smoking gun. Louisiana folks love sucking the juice out of crawfish heads. Sucking heads. The juice. Out of heads. It’s actually hard to say that with a straight face, so it’s good this is typed. But hardcore crawfish fanatics love the juices that resonate within mudbug shells, and they aren’t ashamed of it. Regardless of how tasty it is, you should consider how this must look to people who are unfamiliar with this highly seductive ‘act.’ It’s perfectly natural to people in Louisiana, but the whole ordeal can seem strange to outsiders.


There you have it. These are the cold, hard facts people cite when discussing why crawfish are disgusting. If they don’t phase you, you’re a true Louisianian. Just remember – there’s more than meets the eye beneath those tiny crustacean shells, and other cultures have valid reasons to be skeptical of people in the south and their food choices. Consider the evidence next time you judge others and be open minded when you witness their customs and traditions.

7 thoughts on “5 Reasons Crawfish Are Disgusting”

  1. Pingback: Bon Temps? What Bon Temps? – Twisting Suburbia

  2. I’m not from the south. I’ve never eaten a crawfish. From the outside looking in, it is like the author of this article is a child. It’s written in a child like, I don’t wanna, tonality. It’s a very simple read, but it’s hard to get through, predominantly due to the overt immaturity.

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