bloggers on laptops

5 Pro Tips for Louisiana Bloggers in 2021

Louisiana bloggers are on the rise! That’s a fact! So make sure you stay up to date with the latest trends and blogging tactics as you create the blog of your dreams.

It seems like 2020 is never going to end, but we have faith. In fact, let’s pretend it never happened! Here are some tried and true tips as well as suggestions for Louisiana bloggers to keep in mind during 2021!

Blogging Tips for 2021

#5 – Learn to use WordPress

Which platform should I choose? That’s the first question beginners ask themselves. But for us, it’s a no brainer – WordPress is the ultimate blogging tool!

Everything you need to create and maintain a blog is already built-in to the platform, making it easy to get up and running in no time. When you’re ready for more advanced blogging or website building, you can easily expand the functionality of your WordPress site with the variety of free and premium plugins available for download.

Plugins give you the potential to transform your hobby blog into a business. You can turn your blog into an online store with WooCommerce or develop a tutoring platform with Tutor LMS. While there are many great platforms for starting a blog, none is as great or powerful as WordPress!

peachtown beaver builder screen
Beaver Builder

#4 – Try a drag and drop page-builder

Imagine having the power to create stunning pages that stand out from other blogs and wow audiences.

Page-building is daunting when you first begin blogging, but once you learn the ropes, it’s extremely fun and rewarding. There’s nothing like having the ability to create pages to your exact specifications on a whim. A great way to get started designing your own custom pages is by using a drag and drop pages-builder.

Drag and drop builders streamline the page making process by allowing you to create pages without having to use code. A free plugin we recommend for this purpose is Gutenberg. With Gutenberg and its companion plugin, Gutenberg Blocks, you can supercharge your blog with a drag and drop interface that makes page-building super easy.

We use Beaver Builder, but others you can looking into are Divi, Genesis, and Elementor.

#3 – Keep track of metrics

If you plan to turn your blog into a business, you need to learn how to track and analyze metrics. Analyzing metrics helps you learn which content receives the most attention from your followers. Once you learn your audience’s interests, you can create targeted content made specifically for them.

Louisiana bloggers looking to gain insight into their blog statistics should try out Google Analytics. Analytics will tell how many visitors are coming to your website, which posts are bringing in the the most traffic, and other important statistics you can use to evaluate your blog’s strengths and weaknesses. You can get easy access to Analytics on your website by downloading the Google Site Kit plugin in linking your accounts.

If you share blog posts on social media via a Facebook page or Instagram business account, you can use Facebook Audience Insights to see how well your posts perform. Gauging how your audience responds to different topics can help you decide which type of content you should focus on.

Google Site Kit

Overall, an understanding of metrics and how to use them to your advantage is critical to blog growth and success. Start checking them on the regular, and you’ll learn what’s working and what isn’t.

bloggers on laptops

#2 – Intern for Louisiana bloggers

Interning for other Louisiana bloggers is easier than it sounds. You can gain a lot of industry knowledge and experience this way. Many companies don’t have time to devote to their blog and will take on any free help they can get. Connecting with them is just a matter of knowing where to look.

The easiest way to find blogging internship opportunities is to search for “blogging intern” positions on job boards such as Indeed. When you find a job posting you’re interested in, visit the company’s website and/or blog to learn more about them. If it seems right for you, submit an application.

In many cases, you can earn college course credits for interning. It’s a great way to add to your undergraduate studies while learning more about blogging and how it applies to digital marketing.

#1 – Evolve your niche (or brand)

There are tons of Louisiana bloggers and sadly, very few niches explored by them. Starting as a fashion blogger doesn’t mean you have stay one. Blogging about art doesn’t mean you can’t blog about music. Don’t limit yourself!

If you’re tracking metrics accurately, you should already have a good idea of what works and what doesn’t for your audience. It’s okay to veer off the beaten path from time to time to differentiate yourself and see how people respond.

You may find the most success in a niche other than the one you start out in. Don’t be afraid to branch out and try new things. Sometimes it’s best to experiment and evolve your niche through trial and error!

PeachTown Logo Evolution

Final Words

Think outside of the box and try something new next year. It could be developing your blog-building skills and learning new ways to attract and engage followers. It could be working with other Louisiana bloggers and learning new tactics that can help you redefine and evolve your own niche. Whatever the case may be, we wish you the best of luck and hope you find success as a Louisiana blogger in 2021!

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