321 STRONG Foam Roller Review & Beginner Routine


Let back pain drag on for too long without addressing it, and you’ll inevitably end up with back issues that may or may not be reversible. Not fun!

One way to deal with this on your own is by working out with a foam roller. We recently had the chance to try out the 321 STRONG Foam Roller, and in this article, we’re going to walk you through our experience and tell you how it measured up. By the end, you’ll know everything about this little orange roller and how it could potentially help you sort out problems with your own back. Let’s keep rolling!

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First Impressions

The first thing we noticed is how dense the material is – it would take an extreme effort (or animal) to tear the 321 STRONG Foam Roller apart. Aside from that…the orange variant we received really pops!

It comes with an ebook on massage techniques you can download from the manufacturer’s website, but we didn’t take time to search for it. Here’s a basic breakdown of the pros and cons:


  • 2 textures for varying massage effects
  • Helps improve back and core muscle strength
  • 15 color variants to choose from
  • Dense, durable foam


  • Comes in 1 size
  • ebook is gimmicky
  • Resembles large dog chew toy
  • No non-massage version of the roller

The Review

The 321 STRONG Foam Roller features 2 different textures, and you can shift the roller beneath you to alter the massage pattern whenever you feel it necessary.

We experimented before doing any research on routines, and it was a lot of fun! There’s a definite learning curve, especially if your core muscles are out of shape. It requires coordination and balance to stay centered while rolling, and this took some getting used to.

The day after our first rolling workout, our muscles were sore, but tolerance eventually developed. Over time, we were able to fine tune mind-muscle connections and dig deeper to relieve muscle tension further and further.

After a week, we could feel more knots in the spine and target them during our massage sessions. Here’s a basic beginner routine we came up with while practicing you can try if you end up with a roller:

Foam Roller Beginner Workout

  1. Start by sitting on the ground and placing the roller behind you. Lay back and rest on the roller, positioning it just below your shoulder blades. Fold your hands behind your head, tighten your core, and push your butt off the ground. Keep your muscles firm and hold yourself up with your feet firmly planted on the ground and knees pointed upward. Try to hold this position for 30 seconds.
  2. Relax your core and let your abdomen sink to a comfortable place. Hold this for another thirty seconds.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
  4. With your back on the roller and your body parallel to the ground, extend your arms outwards behind your head and push yourself back with your feet. Keep your core tight and slowly roll, allowing the roller to move down to your lower back. Try to keep your body parallel with the ground as you roll the roller up and down your back, and continue this for thirty seconds to a minute.

Tip: We found the roller works best when directly against the skin (garments removed).

Here are some additional foam roller exercise tips:

The Verdict

We absolutely love the 321 STRONG Foam Roller! It was our first introduction to foam rollers, and it performed exactly as expected. The first few uses revealed a lot of back misalignment and helped us iron out some quick issues. It also assisted in developing core strength and improving flexibility, and in the end, we were fully satisfied with the product.

Overall, the 321 STRONG Foam Roller has a lot of therapeutic potential. After playing around, you can try some advanced techniques for intense deep tissue massages. It’ll slowly become your go to for any and every muscle tissue issue you come across, and you’ll wonder where it’s been all your life!

CriterionScore (out of 5)
Ease of Use3
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